Renewed Energy for the Transition
Energy Transition
Renewed Energy for the Transition
Indeed, Scotland with the rest of the World in 2021 has highlighted at COP26 in Glasgow the urgent need to accelerate the Energy Transition and dare to confront now the very difficult challenges it entails.
At ThinkTank Maths, we are always motivated by having to solve big challenges that impact the future of humanity, our planet and space. The challenge of Energy Transition to replace energy from fossil fuels with renewable energies in order to totally free our environment of CO2 emissions produced by human activities is one of them. Clever mathematics, besides individual, corporate and political responsibility, is bound to play an essential role.
That’s why we propose a game where you can play the role of a ‘System Operator’ attempting to manage the energy supply for a geographic region relying on four different sustainable energy sources – among let’s say, hydraulic, wind, tidal, wave, solar or nuclear.
To make the game engaging and fun for everyone, we have simplified to the extreme this very complex and difficult challenge, currently being regulated by responsible and professional energy experts and engineers.
Game Instructions
Level 1
At this first level your role is to manage only the output levels of your 4 renewable energy sources and meet the level of the electricity demand of the region to insure a continuous electricity supply for the region, while avoiding any power shortages or overloads. Keep the power level needle within the white middle zone in order to avoid power shortages or overload.
Level 2
At this second level of the game you will have to manage, like before, the output levels of your 4 renewable energy sources in relation to the level of the electricity demand, but also the environmental risks and the instantaneous and fluctuating market price of each of these energies. Then, your additional goals this time are to try to maximise your profit and keep as low as possible the environmental impacts of the energies you use.